2024 Gardener Recognition Awards
Sponsored by
The Kate and Ted Emmerich Family Foundation
Don’t miss the opportunity to nominate your favorite gardener, or yourself, for the Cincinnati Horticultural Society’s Gardener Recognition Award this spring. Residential gardeners, as well as, garden clubs, school gardens, communities, professional landscapers, and businesses may all apply. And, gardens of all styles and sizes are eligible – small, medium, and large or container gardens. Download the form below and return it by the deadline next year. Instructions are on the form.
2025 Gardener Recognition Nomination Form
Gardener Recognition Awards 2024 Recipients
Through this program, the Cincinnati Horticultural Society encourages and acknowledges gardeners, communities, and businesses whose contributions to horticulture are an inspiration to all who see it. Each year individuals are nominated for their garden that is of exceptional beauty in quality and selection of plants and the execution of its design and uniqueness.
Special Recognitions
Jerry Eichert Memorial Award – Richard Brumfield
Judge’s Award – Brenda and Jim Baird
Chairman’s Award – Marie and Duane Spence
Emmerich Family Foundation Award – Stuart Schulman
Residential Garden Stake Awards
Brenda and Jim Baird
Jean Bohme
Richard Brumfield
Emilie and James Camp
Fred Keeley
Michael Keidel
Julie Mahlin
Louise and Jack Niemer
Renae Norton
Stuart Schulman
Marie and Duane Spence
Angela Wilson
Institutional Garden Stake Awards
Cincinnati Art Museum
Kettering Health Hospital, Hamilton
VA Medical Center Veterans Healing Organic Garden
Community Garden Stake Awards
Gorman Heritage Farm, Children’s Garden
Rockdale Urban Learning Center
Certificates of Merit
Cincinnati Health Institute, Dr. Ed Woeste, DC
Garden by Hanya El-Shamy
2023 Award Recipients
Bill Blessing
Gerry Borgman
Corrie Carswell
Kathryn Ciafardini – Chairman’s Award
Joe Clear
Carol Dillman
Sue Dolan
Saralou & David Durham
Sandra & John Hassman
Jim Keene
Joan Knox
Jr. League Garden Club
Vadim & Inna Laser
Peggy Lopez
RP McMurphy
Jenny Meyers – Judges Award
David Millett
Ginny Niehaus
Doris Niemeyer
MaryLynn Phillips
David Reid
Dotty Reiter
Rebecca Roessner
Keri Shinault
Audrey and Ted Stehle – Sponsors Award
Jeff Turner & Margo Graca
Kelly Vorbroker
Ann Welling
Steve & Maggie Uckotter
2022 Award Recipients
Rukiye Abdul-Mutakalim
Cynthia Bercaw
Aston Oaks
Julie Creed
Brenda Hartle
Dianna Laurence
Madtree Alcove
Michele Mischler
Michele and Steve Mitrione
Monte Vista
New St Joseph Cemetery
The Turf Club
Carol Wiwi and James Clark
Wolterman Memorial Garden
2019 Award Winners
Lynn and Dave Bolte
Cindy and Richard Callahan
Verna Kopp
Don and Gail Oeters
Kathy Bollmer
Billie & Ed Bonniwell
Jean Brown
Mike and Judy Cottle
Pat & John Gleeson
Larry Grage
Elke & Bill Hartman
Judy Holcomb
Megan Holtz
Doug Lohman
Robert Lux
Tony & Diedre Mahne
Pamela McLaughlin
Laurel Miller
Mike & Pam Roberts
Keri Shinault
Gail Wilson
Campbell County Cooperative Extension Service
Land Rover, Ed Neyra
St. James Church
Rachel Herbst
Sherry Owens
Radel Funeral Home, Delhi
2018 Award Winners
Paula Anstaett
Clara Ashcraft
ATP – Chris LaMond
Bianca Beary
Clara Berger
Bonnie & Linda Bishop
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital – College Hill, Horticulture Therapy – Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry – Maggie Adams
Jill King
Lighthouse Community School
Adele Lippert
Susan McCamey
Ginger Mitchell
Dick & Kathy Nocks
Julie Pelle
Joyce & Abe Philip
Nancy & Dick Riedel
Rothenberg School Rooftop Garden
Bill Schmitt
Elizabeth Shely
Sis Winterhalter
Rukiye Abdul Mutakallim
Cary Maish Brodie
Karen Anderson Brown
Emily & Richard Godin
Kara Killen & Kimberlee Gray
Amy Spackman
Fatima & Gary Woster
Golden Eagle Extrusions Inc. – Jenny Eagle
CITYLink Center- Patty Horwitz
2017 Award Winners
Cynthia Bercaw
Omer and Cecil Berger
Dr. Jon Bossert
Steve Bowling
Gail and Jerold Chuck
City of Cheviot
Civic Garden Center Community Garden
Cindy Coggins
City of Fairfield
Federated Garden Clubs
Dr. Grady and Suzanne Gibson
Leslie Gordon
Libby Head
Jim Jordan
John and Lisa Kaising
Andrea Klopfenstein
Krohn Conservatory
Dianna Laurence
Mc Donalds Restaurant
Norwood Community Garden
Laura Noyes
Belinda and Roger Perna
Dave Radlinski
Julie and Dick Seitz
Doug & Linda Selkirk
Barry Stare
Randy Stephens
Cathy Strasser
Holly and Mark Young
2016 Award Winners
Kathy and Robert Berninger
Rose Bohan
Iris and Jim Bush
Ginny Clark
Leesa Comparin
Daniel Day
Deborah and Daniel Durham
Tom Fryman
Chris and Gary Grafs
Pat and Don Hinkley
Denise and Mike Holscher
Sandra and Stephen Joffe
Jackie Lahrmer
Kate Lawrence
Liz and Warren Remle
Pam and Mike Staun
Greg Tulley
Amanda and Guy VanRooyen
Judy and Tom Woods
Susie and Bruce Kohler
Molly and Joey Kueffner
Karen and Todd Majors
Lynn Miller
Janice Ring
Benita and Dave Winters
Cincinnatus Savings and Loan
Fairfield Taco Bell
West Hills Apartments
Chisolm and Butler County Gardeners
East Row Garden Club
Mount Adams Community Garden
2015 Award Winners
Ken & Pam Hilvert
Mark & Linda Eppler
Greg Villena
Tim & Vicki Lighthall
Karen Jetters
Connie Wallace
Sue Ann Vogt
Dr. Edmund Jones
Russ & Donna Welty
Mark & Lindsay Bibler
Del Langenbrunner
Boone County Arboretum
Bonita & Gene Brockert
Doris Niemeyer
Bennett Dowling/ Civic Garden Center
Debbie Burger
Ada Perkins
John & Beverly Cannon
Jack Shelton
Village of Evendale
Alice Eby
Tony Taphorn
2014 Award Winners
Christina Anderson
Beverly Bibent
Karen and Leroy Brothers
Sue Brungs
Bonnie Dixon
Sherry Goodson
Greg Helterbridle
Marie Huenefeld
Larry Huston
Kat Jenkins
Ron Kauffman
Donna McMullin
Bill and Michele Mischler
Sarita Naegel
Our Lady of the Rosary/ Jeff Bossman
Emery Schmidt and Jim Swearingen
Sycamore High School Garden
Trinity Episcopal Church
Kathy and Dick Wayman
Jan Wrassman
2013 Award Winners
Arrowhead Apartments
Libby Bassett
Theodore M. Berry Friendship Park
Tom & Debbie Bosarge
Cabrini Clark-Jacobsen
Cooper Creek Event Center
Cornerstone at Norwood
Chad & Tiffany Fitzsimmons
Brian & Amy Gockerman
Greenacres Foundation
Gary & Dena Gruber
Maryan Hahn
George Knoske
Edgar E. Loyd
Suzanne Merusi
Dr. Lairy W. Miller & Debra Miller
Don & Mary Holtmeier
Bill & Charlotte Moore
Tom & Leslie Mowry
Mark & Nan Plunkett
Procter & Gamble
The Pub at Rookwood
Stanley M. Rowe Arboretum
Stu & Cathy Scheller
Tom & Genny Sedler
Jody Skowronek
Diana Spears-Laurence
Frances Turrell
Dave & Kim Volker
2012 Award Winners
Banana Leaf Modern Thai
Michele & Scott Beuerlein
Katherine & Manfred Bohlke
Connie & Jack Campbell
The Cincinnati Woman’s Club
Jennifer & Robert Conklin
Cecilia & Joe Davis
Jared & Bridget Davis
Elisha Morgan Farm Mansion Heritage Garden
Hammond North Condominium
Karen Freeman
Jack & Vickei Gluckman
Susan & Gary Greiner
Lisa Gross
Janet Helterbridle
Sandy Hickey
Highfield Discovery Garden
Angela Lampe
Sandy & Dick Manteuffel
Jane Mashburn
Greater Milford Events and Arts Council
Carol & Bob Olson
Kathy & Mark Onady
Pelican’s Reef
Kathy & Fred Pfirrmann
Susie Peck & Dan Earls
Melody Sawyer Richardson
Nancy & Tom Shepherd
Susy Spence
St. Johns Unitarian Universalist Church
Betsy & Charles Townsend
2011 Award Winners
James and Vicki Crushman
Bonnie and Rick Doepke
Roy and Michelle Eckart
Granny’s Garden School
Glendale Garden Club/ Rogan Family Garden
Eads Hardware Store
Ed and Marsha Haberer
Michael Hodovanic
James Free Jewelers
Margaret Johnson
The Kenwood by Senior Star
Jane Mashburn
Craig and Debbie Mann
City of Madeira
City of Montgomery
National Exemplar/ Mariemont Inn
Connie Strawser
St. Gabriel Consolidated School
Western Cincinnati Neurological Institute
Pat Zehnder
2010 Award Winners
Jeff Bossman for Camargo Trading Company
Cheryl and Ray Bittman
Jane Butler
Arja Ewing
Afsaneh Fowler
Glendale Village Gardeners for Village of Glendale
Jane and Frank Green
Steve and Barb Groh
Lisa Gross for the Hyde Park Wine Merchant
Ed and Janet Hermes
Helen K. Hoffmann
Village of Loveland
Sue Laing
Village of Mariemont
Jenny Meyers
Dennis Warner and Paula Phillips for Kenwood Country Club
Jay Yasbeck
2009 Award Winners
Steve Beckman
Mary Jane and Gerald Blain
Lee DeRhodes
The late June Edwards
Pat and Chuck Ellsworth
Ivy Kelly
Len Kuertz
Gladys Miller
Kathy and Terry Muldoon
Donald and Beverly Redder
Lana Santavicca
Ginny Tom